QUNO Geneva Invites Applications for Programme Assistantships

Interested in the human impact on climate change & sustainability, peace & disarmament, or human rights & refugees? And in contributing to their work at the United Nations?
Then this might just be what you are looking for: applications are now open for three program assistant positions at QUNO in Geneva from September 2021 to August 2022 in Human Rights & Refugees (HRR); Peace & Disarmament (PD); and Climate Change & Sustainability (CCS).

These are exciting opportunities for young professionals with an interest in international affairs to learn about and contribute to Quaker work at the United Nations.

QUNO staff work with people in the UN, multilateral organizations, government delegations, and non-governmental organizations, to achieve changes in international standards and practice. Quakers are known for speaking out against injustice and war – issues that are incompatible with their vision of a world in which peace and justice prevail.




These are exciting opportunities for young professionals with an interest in international affairs to learn about and contribute to Quaker work at the UN while living in Geneva. They are open to Quakers and those in sympathy with Quaker values.


They are looking for someone who can contribute actively to QUNO’s administrative and programme work. Commitment to shared values, willingness to learn, and analytical and writing skills are more important than specialist or academic knowledge.

Please use these criteria to structure your personal statement on the application form.

Relationship to Quakerism:

  • It is not necessary to be a Quaker member or attender to apply but understanding of Quaker values and sympathy with a Quaker approach to the work are essential. If you are not familiar with Quakers please read some introductory information and consider how Quakerism relates to your values.

Knowledge and experience:

  • An active interest in international affairs and the work of the UN is essential (this could be demonstrated through study, work, volunteering or other activities).
  • An active interest in peacebuilding, arms control is essential (this could be demonstrated through study, work, volunteering or other activities).
  • Study, work, volunteering or other activity in relation to one or more of the programme’s areas of focus is not essential but is an advantage.
  • Lived experience of any of the issues the programme covers is not essential but is an advantage.

Qualifications and Skills:

  • An undergraduate degree or equivalent is essential, further study is not essential but is an advantage.
  • Strong written skills in English are essential (for example essays, briefing papers, articles, social media content (including for blogs) or advocacy materials).
  • Strong verbal communication skills in English are essential (for example making presentations, putting your ideas across in meetings, building relationships with people).
  • Research and analysis skills are essential (for example essays, briefing papers, articles, advocacy materials).
  • Experience of two or more of the following is essential: proof reading/copy editing, publication layout (e.g. using InDesign), preparing and posting social media content (Twitter and Facebook), writing news updates for websites, requesting written content and managing deadlines, image research.
  • Ability to work as part of a small team is essential, being able to get on well with all kinds of people, readiness to share common tasks, and willingness to ask for help can contribute to this.
  • Spoken French is an advantage, as is knowledge of another UN language.
  • Experience of donor research and working on funding proposals is an advantage.
  • Voluntary or paid work experience in catering is an advantage.
  • Voluntary or paid work experience in an office is an advantage.
  • Due to strict immigration regulations in Switzerland, employees at this level would usually need to be Swiss or EU or EFTA Member State nationals or to already have permission to work in Switzerland. For an exceptional candidate from a country in the
    Young Professionals Programme1 we would be willing to apply to the Swiss authorities for the relevant visa. Regrettably, they are unable to obtain permission to employ Programme Assistants who are not nationals of Switzerland, an EU or EFTA Member State or a country participating in the Young Professionals Programme or already have permission to work in Switzerland. Please note that for this reason they currently cannot accept applications from candidates who have only UK nationality unless they already have
    permission to work in Switzerland for the duration of this appointment.

Eligible Regions: Swiss or EU or EFTA Member State nationals or to already have permission to work in Switzerland

Application Deadline: May 10, 2021 (3 Days Remaining)

Apply Now

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